Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas To All!

I can't believe Christmas is here already!! Does anyone else feel like this whole season has crept up on us so much faster than usual? It's insane!! It might have a bit to do with the fact that I didn't get back until mid October, then there was Halloween, finiding a job, learning the job, then suddenly it's Christmas and I'm frantically running around trying to get presents and a tree. It doesn't help either that Kaylee and I decided to paint our entire place 2 weeks before Christmas, but it does look fantastic. Now I just need to organize my room (it's a disaster!!!!!) and scrub down the house. It won't be that bad actually, it's just trying to fit it in with the buying, making, wrapping, and decorating presents that a;so need to be done. Sorry if this seems like a bitter blog, I'm actually really excited for Christmas.... i just wish I had another week before it's here.

On another wonderful note, LAUREN'S BACK IN TOWN!!!!!! Now it's been 6 months since I've seen her!! It doesn't feel like that much as we've talked a lot since then, but when I actually count the months it seems like forever. I haven't seen her since we said goodbye back on June 18th, the day before I left and 2 days before she left. I pretty much wore the necklace she gave me for my entire trip. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU LAURZIE POO!!!!!! I'm going to squeeze your frickin face off!!!!


Laurz said...

Kimmers!!! DEAR LORD I can't believe it's been six months either!!!

I will definitely ask for the car tomorrow or something so I can come see the new place!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
call me!

604 765 8220!!


Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

Merry merry Christmas Kimmy!! I'm coming to your house. I'm just going to show up unannounced one day and check out this berry colour I've been reading so much about! xoxo!