Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Sorry it's been a while. So... what's new? Well I got a job doing collections at an Auto Leasing company, and it's actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. The people are really nice and so far I haven't had any customers that are too bad. There are still the people who blame you for the fact that they couldn't pay their lease, and the people who hang up on you, but I don't mind it actually.

Wow, a lot has happened actually I don't know where to begin. Oh! Kaylee's moving in!!! I now have a roommate and a hot one at that! Now we will just have to spend our evenings having pillow fights and doing our laundry in our underwear, haha. As soon as we are settled we will have everyone over. We are going to have a Christmas tree this year and since neither of us are going to have much money for decorations, I was thinking we should have a popcorn-stringing and paper chain-making party. That would be fun, right? Right?

I watched a show on tv today called "The Long Way Round" with Ewan McGregor which made me miss travelling so much. I always knew that I loved to travel but I feel like that's what I should be doing. I know it sounds totally cliche but I really feel that I need to spend a significant time living abroad. I'm not sure where I want to go, but I know that I probably won't end up stating there too long anyway. I just want to be able to take off again and not really know where I'm going to go and what I'm going to do there. With my personality though I don't know if I will be able to just take off. I tend to freak out a little bit when I don't know what I'm doing and am HORRIBLE at leaving. I get so stressed out and start getting anxious about the fact that I may get anxious. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm just a stressed person naturally.

I know for a fact that there is no way I will be able to go in the next year as I don't have the funds, but if anyone is looking to take off and wander around the world for a year, let me know. I would much rather go with someone. The most common thing I hear about travelling is that you should go on your own, but one of the things that I loved the most was being able to share the experience with someone else. Most of the people we met that were travelling solo were actually pretty lonely. I mean they weren't lonely all the time, but the thing I heard the most was that they wished they had someone else that they could reflect with and experience everything with. My point is that I will be going and would love someone to travel with.

I actually just got totally distracted, haha. I don't remember where I was going, so I'm going to change the subject. I've decided that I need to get more active. Now that I'm sitting at a desk all day I feel that all I do is sit around. I really want to get out there and actually be doing something. I'll let you know how this goes, but I HOPE that this feeling of blahness gets me motivated enough to do something about it.

Love you all!!!!


PS. Kaylee, Have fun at WICKED and do some serious shopping!


Laurz said...

Ah!!! I feel like I havent talked to either you or Kaylee in so long, and now you're roomates!! That's so effin cool! I can't wait to come over and visit you guys so we can have a spoonfest mahaah! I miss you lots, and know that whatever you want to do, you should do. So, do it. :)

your BFFFFFFFF haha,

Anonymous said...


Arrived safely in T.O. I didn't follow your advice however, meaning I fell asleep before the plane took off. I managed to sleep all the way to Calgary though! NOT TOO SHABBY!

EEEEE I can't wait to choose paint colours with you babe!!

Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

I will make you popcorn decorations. And then eat them. tee hee, I really would, you know!!

Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned that you are one smelly girl... I can smell you all the way from downstairs!!! Kim I know the whole European thing was cool, but shower once in a while, and shave those HAIRY pits of yours!!!

Hahahah, just kidding!!! (but seriously, shave those pits ;)

The wonderful and most beautiful person ever.....

Laurz said...

ummmmm UPDATE!!!!